Saturday 25 June 2011

From within

"First within, then without" - fundamental law of life
Every change on see on the outside first began on the inside. You navigate life from within and not without. If you can get it right on the inside, it will naturally work out right by itself on the outside.
Many are trying to live their lives from the outside, and that why they keep struggling. Show me a truly successful man, and I will show you a man who has learnt the art of  tapping into the power within him.
So you may want to ask: how do I tap into the power within me?

  • power of thoughts
Thoughts are the mind's major tool of expression. Your life is a direct product of your thoughts. Your thoughts, whether you are aware of this or not, have shaped your life the way it is today. Your thought is like a magnet that attracts to your life opportunities, people and circumstances that are in alignment with those thoughts. Your thoughts are seeds planted that germinate and grow out, bringing forth fruit of the kind of seed-thought planted!  This leads me to the next point...

  • power of words
It is from the abundance of thoughts within you that your words come from. And your words either justifies you or condemns you. King Solomon told us that "life and death are in the power of the tongue." You set the course of your life by the things you say with your mouth. Many people are digging their own early grave and setting themselves up for defeat without knowing by the negative and destructive things they are saying. You see them talk frustration, impossibilities, hopelessness, fear, problems...  

  • power of your spirit
The greatest of your powers lie in your spirit. Your spirit transcends the level of your soul(mind). Your spirit has the inherent capacity to connect  and commune with God. So by your spirit, which is activated at salvation, you can assess divine insights, directions; you can access strength that is beyond ordinary to break through the barriers of life; you can set some powerful forces in motion. This is the essence of prayer.

In conclusion...
What are you giving your eyes and your ears to? This is what primarily determines your thoughts which will consequently be reflected in your words. Start learning to live life from within;set the course of your life by the power of positive and wholesome thoughts(I strongly recommend becoming addicted to the God's word),talking rightly and tapping into the power of your spirit in the place of prayer.


  1. man is a spirit,dt posses a soul n live in a body.wit ur spirit u cntact d spiritual wrld.wit ur body u cntact d physical wrld n wit ur soul u contact d intelectual wrld.t ur spirit u cntact d spiritual wrld.wit ur body u cntact d physical wrld n wit ur soul u contact d intelectual wrld.

  2. we aren't ordinary people.we re tied up wit omnipotence.we re united wit God himself.we re carrying out God's will here on d earth.we re d chanels tru whom God is pourin himself out upon d wrld.ple.we re tied up wit omnipotence.we re united wit God himself.we re carrying out God's will here on d earth.we re d chanels tru whom God is pourin himself out upon d wrld.
