Monday 24 October 2011


One of our most dreadful times in life is when we are pushed out of our comfort zones. You see, there’s this conditioning in each one of us that seeks to maintain comfort and stay within the ‘safe zone’ of what is naturally comfortable to us. It’s our body’s way of maintaining its own balance, keeping us healthy and secure. But I’ve come to discover in the past few years of my young life that the people doing some of the greatest things in life are those that have learnt to find delight operating outside of their comfort zones. I once heard Farrah Gray said ‘everything you need is just outside of your comfort zone.’ I have enough evidence, personal experiences and those that came from observing people around the world, to attest to that truth.

Fear of the unknown
Can I stir up the still waters of your innermost being? Will you allow me rock your boat a little? Many times we allow the fear of the unknown to keep us from moving forward and possessing the territories that are rightfully ours. Fear of the unknown has kept many people from daring bigger things and reaching forth for the great potentials in them. It has paralyzed many people’s dreams and hopes, leaving them just dragging along in life, with no drive, no enthusiasm, just merely accepting whatever life throws at them as their own ‘fate’.

Who says you are a victim?
Fear of the unknown has left many as just victims of circumstance rather than victors they were meant to be. Who said that you were meant to be a victim? Who lied to you that you were just unlucky with life so you got disappointments, shame, failures and all sort of bad things of life? May I tell you that there’s much more to you than you have chosen to accept; can I announce to you that life has so many goodies in stuck for you than what the circumstances around you are making you believe. Excuse me, I’m not trying to cajole you or sweet-tongue you; I’m simply telling you the truth about yourself and about life that you are yet to come to terms with.

Stepping out of you comfort zones
The best of you is unleashed when you step beyond the safe zones of your comfort and dare to launch into unfamiliar territories. I have experienced this again and again and I’ve come to discover powers within me that I never knew were there; I’ve seen strengths where I once thought it’s all a bundle of weaknesses; I have seen myself do things that I never thought I could ever dared. Just like the eaglet, I’ve seen myself flap my tiny wings when it seems like I was going to fall to the ground, only to discover that I’ve been covering up great energy under those wings without knowing. The eaglet was born with all the potentials of an eagle but may never learn to soar if mother eagle isn’t wise enough to shake the baby bird out of its comfort zone to the vulnerable zones of the heights and winds.

You never know until…
The point is you will never know what you are truly made of until you step out of the box of your comfort. Henry Ford was right when he said ‘there is no man on earth that is not capable of doing more than what he thinks he can.’ And you can never know until you dare to try. That’s where true genius lie; that’s where the best of creativity is embedded, out there in the deep, amidst the fierce waves. I’ve come to discover that invisible forces come to the aid of the man that will dare to step out with faith and courage, and dare things that seem ‘impossible’.

Join us in the next edition as we discuss how you can begin to unleash the great potentials in you as you step out of your comfort zone. We shall be discussing:
*Power of your desire
*Power of your words
*Power of vision/purpose